
display_game Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /de/decouvre-jeu-anglais-sentiments-et-sensations.html
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
8 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
9 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
10 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
11 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
14 admin /{_locale}/admin Path does not match
15 admin_edit_sounds /admin/game/editSounds.html Path does not match
16 admin_edit_files /admin/game/editFiles.html Path does not match
17 admin_edit_game /admin/game/editGame.html Path does not match
18 admin_import_game /admin/game/importGame.html Path does not match
19 admin_import_validate_modifs_game /admin/game/validateGameModifications.html Path does not match
20 admin_accounting_export /admin/accounting/export.html Path does not match
21 admin_accounting_tva /admin/accounting/tva.html Path does not match
22 admin_accounting_prorata /admin/accounting/prorata.html Path does not match
23 admin_monetico_import /admin/monetico/import.html Path does not match
24 admin_validate_challenge /admin/challenge/validate.html Path does not match
25 admin_plan_challenge /admin/challenge/plan.html Path does not match
26 admin_stats_global /admin/stats/global.html Path does not match
27 admin_stats_payment /admin/stats/payment.html Path does not match
28 admin_stats_subscription /admin/stats/subscription.html Path does not match
29 admin_choose_unsubscribe_user /user/chooseUnsubscribe.html Path does not match
30 admin_show_presentations /user/presentations.html Path does not match
31 admin_manage_user_presentation /user/presentation_edit.html Path does not match
32 admin_show_comments /user/comments.html Path does not match
33 admin_manage_user_comment /user/comment_edit.html Path does not match
34 admin_gift_validate /admin/gift/validate.html Path does not match
35 admin_show_waiting_payments /payments/waiting.html Path does not match
36 admin_refund_payment /admin/payment/refund.html Path does not match
37 admin_validate_payment /admin/payment/validate.html Path does not match
38 admin_unsubscribe_list /admin/unsubscribe/list.html Path does not match
39 admin_unsubscribe_cancel /admin/unsubscribe/cancel.html Path does not match
40 admin_unsubscribe_search /admin/unsubscribe/search.html Path does not match
41 admin_unsubscribe_display /admin/unsubscribe/display.html Path does not match
42 admin_unsubscribe_paypal /admin/unsubscribe/paypal.html Path does not match
43 admin_unsubscribe_cmcic /admin/unsubscribe/cmcic.html Path does not match
44 admin_weeklytheme_games /admin/weekly/games.html Path does not match
45 admin_weeklytheme_stats /admin/weekly/stats.html Path does not match
46 front_app_locale_i18n /appI18n-{locale}.xml Path does not match
47 front_app_last_modifs /lastAppModifs.json Path does not match
48 front_app_games_screensized /listGames-{screenSize}.xml Path does not match
49 front_app_login /login.json Path does not match
50 front_app_logout /logout.json Path does not match
51 front_app_user_infos /appUserInfos{userId}.json Path does not match
52 front_app_speaky_parts /listSpeakyParts.json Path does not match
53 front_app_speaky_parts_xml /listSpeakyParts.xml Path does not match
54 front_app_mascots /listMascots.json Path does not match
55 front_app_contact /contact.json Path does not match
56 front_avatar_app_buy /appBuyPart.json Path does not match
57 front_app_sync_trophies /appSyncTrophies.json Path does not match
58 front_app_sync_parts /appSyncParts.json Path does not match
59 front_app_description_v3 /appDescription-{uniqId}.xml Path does not match
60 front_app_description /game/appDescription-{gameId}.xml Path does not match
61 subscription_invoice /{_locale}/abonnement/bill-{id}.html Path does not match
62 gift_invoice /{_locale}/cadeau/bill-{id}.html Path does not match
63 front_restricted_access /{_locale}/restricted-access.html Path does not match
64 static_page /{_locale}/page/{url} Path does not match
65 front_mention_legale /{_locale}/mentions-legales.html Path does not match
66 front_sitemap /{_locale}/plan-du-site.html Path does not match
67 front_faqs /{_locale}/foire-aux-questions.html Path does not match
68 front_whoarewe /{_locale}/qui-sommes-nous.html Path does not match
69 front_charte /{_locale}/charte.html Path does not match
70 front_contact_new /{_locale}/contact-questions.html Path does not match
71 front_contact /{_locale}/contact.html Path does not match
72 app_default_sendemail /{_locale}/email Path does not match
73 front_contact_sent /{_locale}/contact-envoye.html Path does not match
74 front_unsubscribe_sent /{_locale}/desabonnement-envoye.html Path does not match
75 homepage_base / Path does not match
76 connect_facebook /connect/fb Path does not match
77 connect_facebook_check /connect/fb/check Path does not match
78 front_all_games /{_locale}/tous-les-jeux.html Path does not match
79 front_theme_games /{_locale}/theme-{slug}.html Path does not match
80 front_class_games /{_locale}/classe-{slug}.html Path does not match
81 front_category_games /{_locale}/categorie-{slug}.html Path does not match
82 front_hero_games /{_locale}/joue-avec-{slug}.html Path does not match
83 play_game /{_locale}/jeu-anglais-{slug}.html Path does not match
84 display_game /{_locale}/decouvre-jeu-anglais-{slug}.html Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.